• 2015 SkillsUSA State Conference
  • 2016 SkillsUSA District Conference


The following Applications are ones that over the past three years in the I.T. Program I have become proficient in:


HTML is a coding language that I learned senior year. It allowed me to code the website you are on right now. If you click on the title you can view a PDF of the code for my proffesional documents page.

Square POS

Square POS is a Point of Sale system designed to let businesses gain access to state of the art cash register capabilities. Early during senior year another group of students and I installed this as part of our term project. We installed it into the Presidents Cafe located at Quincy High School.

Python Coding

Python is a programming language that lets you work more quickly and integrate your systems more effectively. Senior year we learned to code with python as part of a project that involved counting the total amount of gifts given during the twelve days of Christmas.

Security Camera System

During Senior year another student and I set up security cameras connected to a central computer to monitor the I.T. classroom. Throughout working on the cameras I learned how to use the security software Q-See.

Network Notepad

Network Notepad is a commercial application for creating interactive network diagrams.If you click the title you can view a diagram I had to do junior year for a project.


Ubuntu is an open source Debian-based Linux distribution. I learned Ubuntu Junior year while we worked on our server projects. Ubuntu is like Mac OS which is actually based off of it. Overall Ubuntu is easy to use and the best part is its free.