Creating an Academic Commons Food & Beverage Venue:
Using a Service Design Thinking Approach

The capstone project is focused on “designing a library-academic commons beverage and food venue that fits into the needs of the library.” The project aims to better serve the academic body of the college and to add to the current resources offered by Hege Library. The project will cover both the digital and physical aspects of the user experience addressing both mediums.
A service Design thinking Approach
The approach of Service Design Thinking is easily broken into two parts; design thinking and service design.
Design thinking is a user-centered approach to solving complex problems. The approach follows a structured process to innovate and ideate solutions. Using a set of design tools (ideation workshop, prototyping, etc), this approach culminates a product that meets the users needs and stakeholders vision of the project.
Service Design is the application of design tools with the goal being to develop or improve a service. Through the building of a distinctive brand experience and improving the users overall experience with the service and maximize the value to the stakeholders. Service design regards all interactions between a brand and a user as a service.

The digital Prototype